Welcome to the
TESOL CALL Interest Section Webcast Sessions
The date and time in Atlanta, Georgia - U.S.A. is:
Use this time zone converter to compare Atlanta/Eastern Daylight Time your local time
Start times in bold in the schedule below are linked to corresponding start times worldwide
Follow the link for each session to learn more about the presentation topic(s), presenters, and live webcast channel details.
After the convention, recordings of all livestreamed sessions will be available on the CALL-IS YouTube channel: https://tinyurl.com/call-is-youtube
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Friday, March 15, 2019
Find the CALL-IS Electronic Village (and including the Technology Showcase) program online here
PBworks reclaims URLs when they have not been revisited for a year.
This wiki was visited and altered by adding this text on January 24, 2022
This wiki was visited and altered by adding this text on December 7, 2023
Once again, thank you, Vance. This has been edited to keep the wiki active and a resource.
edited Nov. 3, 2024
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