
InterSection - CALL-IS with EEIS

Page history last edited by Jennifer Ponder 5 years, 10 months ago


InterSection: CALL-IS with PK-12 IS 

Open-Education Resources (OER) in K-12 Education:

Balancing the Nexus of Infinite Possibilities

with Instructional Efficiency


9:30 - 11:15am EDT

Thursday, March 14

GWCC, Room A315

Live broadcast link: http://tinyurl.com/call-is-specialsessions




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Abstract: The draw of Open Educational Resources (OER) is impossible to resist in the age of diminishing budgets and the increasing digitization of knowledge.  This panel will explore the pros and cons of OER in K-12 education, including implementation of OER products, training teachers how to use OER effectively, and protecting student personally identifiable information.  Furthermore, K-12 teachers will demonstrate key OER products they implement in instruction and collaboration.  The session will conclude with a question and answer session to over any further topics or issues of interest to the audience.


Summary:  As budgets get smaller and smaller in the field of K-12 education, instructional leaders are struggling to find resources that are affordable, reliable, and applicable for instruction.  Open Educational Resources or OERs are a great way to bridge the budget gap by also providing quality instructional materials, content, or frameworks for instruction (Wiley, Green, & Soares, 2012).  This panel will discuss OER and student privacy rights, OER curriculum implementation pros and cons, OER applications for teacher collaboration, OER and motivation for older learners, and OER applications for diverse learners.  Presenters will speak for their allotted times and structure their information utilizing standard presentation formats such as PowerPoint or Google Slides.  In addition to theoretical background, panelists will provide concrete examples from current practice materials to illustrate theory in practice and demonstrate how to apply the information presented in classroom environments.  Session outcomes include increased knowledge about OER products, including strengths and challenges of implementation, as well as concrete knowledge about select OER products for a variety of age groups with the field of K-12 education.  This information will guide session attendees in the choice of OER products for various educational settings.   Electronic access to all materials will be provided.  Finally, panelists will be available for questions at the end of the panel presentation.


Time  Speaker  Title  Description  Materials 
5-7 Mintues 

Jennifer Meyer,

ESL Specialist, Edmondson Elementary School and Sunset Middle School, TN

Panel Facilitator/Introductions  Panel Topic and Speaker Introductions:  OER, FERPA, and protecting student personally identifiable information Open Educational Resources (OER) in K-12.pptx  
10-15 Minutes  Johnna Paraiso, Instructional Technology and SLIFE Facilitator, Rutherford County Schools, TN  Pros and Cons of Implementing OER Sources  Johnna will explain the strengths and challenges of OER implementation in a public school setting and provide tips for choosing appropriate products for students and faculty use.   
10-15 Mintues 

Christel Broady, 

Georgetown College, KY

Training Teachers to use OER in their collaboration with the entire school community to maximize English academic achievement and school/home connection with EL families  Christel will share effective technology-based collaboration strategies for ESL school leaders to reach as many school community members as possible thus overcoming the hurdle of common planning times and opportunities to meet in person.   Christel_TESOL 2019 Presentation OER.pptx  
10-15 Minutes 

Jennifer Summerlin, Assistant Professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham

Director, Graduate Reading Program 

Development of EPAL (Electronic Portal for Assistance Learning) OER for P-12 teachers   Jennifer will share the development, content, and research related to EPAL.  This OER provides free diagnostic assistance and a wealth of electronic resources for meeting the needs of diverse readers.     TESOL_3-13-19_When reading instruction hits a wall(1).pptx  
10-15 Minutes 

Jennifer Ponder

Associate Professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham; Program Director for Early Childhood and Elementary Education

Models and Mentors for Building Scientific Understanding with Emergent Bilinguals  Jennifer will share strategies and resources to support Emergent Bilinguals with the construction of scientific knowledge and understanding using an integrated curriculum model.    TESOL_19_OER.pptx
10-15 Minutes Kevin Belleau, ESL Teacher, Centennial High School, Williamson County Schools, TN Practical applications of OER in High School Kevin will demonstrate some practical applications of OER products he uses in his high school classes.  He will discuss pros and cons of the resources, as well as how to optimize use and individualize for each learner.



Name and Contact Information  Biography 
Jennifer Meyer:  jennylynn41069@gmail.com  Jennifer Meyer, EdS, TESOL CALL-IS CoChair Elect, is an ESL teacher at Edmondson Elementary School and Sunset Middle School in Brentwood, TN, US.  She has been teaching ESL/EFL in the US and Europe for over 20 years.  She is currently a PhD candidate in Literacy Studies at Middle Tennessee State University.  She is a local, regional, and international presenter and researcher on topics involving professional development for general education teachers working with ELs, Learning Disabilities and ELs, and CALL topics in K-12 EL instruction.   

Dr. Johnna Paraiso:


Dr. Christel Broady:  christel.broady@gmail.com  Dr. Christel Broady, a member of the TESOL Board of Directors, is the chair of advanced graduate programs and professor of graduate education directing the online ESL teacher education program, which received highest rankings in the state and nation for its quality. She has authored a long list of publications, keynotes talks, presentations, and awards and recognition in the area of CALL domestically in the USA and in many countries. Dr. Broady has been an NCATE program reviewer and she was the TESOL representative for CAEP. In addition, Dr. Broady represents TESOL on a national workgroup for the seal of biliteracy in K-12 schools.  She was the president of the Kentucky TESOL, conference organizer a state TESOL conference and president at the Southeast states TESOL conference. At TESOL, she chaired the international Elementary School Interest section and was a member of the CALL steering committee. Dr. Broady is an EFL learner herself. She represents immigrants living in multicultural and –lingual families raising school age multilingual children in the USA. Most of all, she is a lifelong learner and technology geek!  

Dr. Jennifer Summerlin:


Dr. Jennifer Summerlin is an Assistant Professor at The University of Alabama at Birmingham.  Dr. Summerlin is director of UAB's Graduate Reading Specialist Program and is currently a member of the Children's Literature Assembly, notable book selection committee.  Dr. Summerlin teaches a variety of graduate and undergraduate literacy courses and is an avid reader of books for all ages.     

Dr. Jennifer Ponder:


Dr. Jennifer Ponder is an Associate Professor in Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Dr. Ponder is the program director for Early Childhood and Elementary Education. She also teaches a variety of graduate and undergraduate methods courses for pre-service teachers including “Social Studies and Science Methods for K-6”, “Expressive Arts”, and “Children’s Literature”.  

Kevin Belleau:






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