
Developers' Showcase

Page history last edited by Thomas Robb 5 years, 10 months ago


CALL-IS presents:

The Developers' Showcase


1:45 - 3:00pm  EDT

Wednesday, March 13

Technology Showcase, Expo Hall - Booth 1111

Live broadcast link: http://tinyurl.com/call-is-youtube



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Discover the latest ideas in applied technology for ESOL educational settings, including stand-alone software and Internet-based applications designed by teachers and researchers.


Time  Speakers  Title  Summary  Materials 
  Paul Richards, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA  Pragmatic Feedback through an Academic Advising Simulation  A Choose Your Own Adventure style advising session simulation was created from 50 advising session role-plays with international students. The software implements a variety of feedback types to promote pragmatic noticing. The talk will focus on how simulations can be used for providing pragmatic feedback to learners.   
  Christine Wingate, University of Iowa, USA  Promoting Independent Pronunciation Practice with “American English Sounds”  The free, teacher-created website "American English Sounds" reduces classroom instruction time by allowing students to independently practice the segments they need to improve through listening, repetition, and meaningful speaking activities. Come learn how you can use “American English Sounds” in conjunction with both classroom instruction and independent learning.   

Thomas Robb, Kyoto Sangyo Univ.

Gordon Bateson, Kochi Institute of Tech., Japan

Making quizzes more secure: Making the Moodle Reader Plug-in draw quizzes from the MReader database.  After demonstrating these free quiz programs for Extensive Reading, the presenters will describe how the Moodle Reader module and MReader have been integrated so that all quizzes are now served to students via a single secure database. The implications will be addressed   
  Lulwa Bordcosh, LASC, USA  Textbooks Turned 360—Using Virtual Reality in the Classroom  This showcase will explore Virtual Reality as an alternative to traditional textbook-based learning, outlining certain benefits as they relate to authenticity, immersion, student engagement, and learning outcomes. Via a live VR demonstration, participants will experience this technology firsthand and learn how it can be used in the classroom.   
  Claire Bradin Siskin, Edvista, USA Audio Tutorial for LiveCode LiveCode is well suited for playing and recording audio files – important capabilities in creating materials for learning and teaching languages. The tutorial, created in LiveCode itself, includes instructions as well as real-time demonstrations for each function. This tool is available as a free download at http://www.edvista.com/claire/rev/audiotutorial.html.  



Name and Email  Biography 

Paul Richards,   pauricha@iu.edu


Paul Richards is a PhD Candidate in the departments of Second Language Studies and Linguistics at Indiana University with specializations in instructed second language (L2) acquisition, L2 pragmatics, and computational linguistics. His primary research interests relate to L2 pragmatic and syntactic development, corpus based approaches to documenting interlanguage development, task-based language teaching (TBLT) and technology, the acquisition/learning of Chinese based writing systems, and Japanese linguistics. Paul is currently working on his dissertation, which investigates the effectiveness of feedback types in a computer simulation for pragmatics instruction. Paul is now working as an associate instructor of Japanese at Indiana University. This year marks Paul’s 10th year working as a language instructor. 

Christine Wingate,


Christine Wingate is a lecturer in the ESL Programs at University of Iowa. She has taught a wide range of classes, from low intermediate IIEP grammar to advanced speaking classes for graduate ITAs. Her principal interests within CALL include the use of language corpora, automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology, and teacher-created web tools to promote student autonomy. She is the developer of American English Sounds, a website designed to help students independently practice the sounds of English. 
Thomas Robb, tomrobb@gmail.com  Thomas Robb is Professor Emeritus, Kyoto Sangyo University, where he was Chair of the Department of English, Faculty of Foreign Languages until he retired in March of 2017. He received his Ph.D degree from the University of Hawaii, Manoa in Linguistics. He is a long-time user of CALL and the Internet, and has created a number of websites and applications for various student projects, interactive learning and professional exchange. 
Gordon Bateson  Gordon Bateson, Professor at Kochi Institute of Technology, Japan has developed a number of plug-ins within Moodle for language learning and develops and maintains websites for Pacific CALL and the Moodle Association of Japan.
Lulwa Bordcosh   
Claire Bradin Siskin, csiskin@edvista.com
Claire Bradin Siskin is an enthusiastic practitioner of computer-assisted language learning (CALL). Her principal interests are faculty development, research in CALL, and international education. Her editorial experience includes the editorial boards of CALL Journal and CALICO Journal.She currently serves on the Awards Professional Council of TESOL. She has served on the TESOL International Board of Directors and as Chair of the Executive Board of the Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO). She heads the development team for brimmEng, a smartphone app designed to provide English language practice. She has given presentations and workshops in 23 countries. See http://www.edvista.com/claire for more information.




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